Book Of Remembrances

Tony Brunt - Ringwood & District Ex-Tablers' Club

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Tony Brunt on the 7th April after an illness lasting several months.

His wife Maureen and children; Martin and Darren, were with him when he died peacefully in the Royal Bournemouth Hospital in Dorset.

Tony joined Ringwood and District Round Table in 1979 and subsequently became an active member of the Ringwood Round Table Golf Society. This interest he carried through into the Ex-Tablers' club and at his death he was RTGS Vice-Captain.

Tony was a member of several golfing societies but remained faithful to the RTGS being Captain in 1983, 1989, 1993 and 2007.

He was the winner of most of the Society Trophies and kindly donated the Brunt figurine to be awarded at the Captain's discretion. This “Work of Art” generally rested at the back of the trophy cabinet to gather dust!

Dust never gathered in Tony’s life, always active, involved and leading change.

He is sadly missed and our thoughts are with Maureen and his family.