Book Of Remembrances

Jeff Marston - Wycombe Old Tablers (WOTS)

1951 - 2016

Born in Carlisle, Jeff transferred to High Wycombe Round Table in about 1980, and spent 11 years in the club before leaving in 1991. He then joined Wycombe Old Tablers (WOTS) and spent several years as a member before the family moved down to Cornwall, where he became Chief Executive of the Isles of Scilly Steamship Company.

However Jeff and his wife Rosie kept in frequent contact with High Wycombe club members throughout, and right up until his premature passing in February this year at the age of 64. He fought a prolonged battle with cancer, and dealt with the challenge in much the way he dealt with life itself.

Determined, pragmatic and calm throughout. Ex Tablers in Wycombe will fondly recall Jeff’s profound reminders to younger members in particular – often talking about the responsibilities and history of Round Table.

A great character who spent many years in Table, and held all of the major offices, and also served for some years on the Area Executive.Jeff is survived by Rosie, and his two sons – Andrew and Simon, and a grandson, Max, who was a great comfort to Jeff duringhis final illness.