Book Of Remembrances

Tony Page - High Wycombe 41 Club

The members of High Wycombe 41 Club were very sad to say farewell to Tony in October 2019, following a brave fight against cancer. 

Tony was born in 1937. He joined Dunstable Round Table, but business commitments caused him and his wife, Janet to move to High Wycombe in 1971 when he transferred to High Wycombe Round Table. 

In his earlier life, Tony had been an Officer in The Merchant Navy, sailing through the world’s seas in all weathers. This was to prove extremely helpful on one occasion, when Round Table visited our twin club, St. Quentin – a pleasant town, east of Paris. The channel tunnel did not exist in those days, so we drove to Dover, crossing the Channel by ferry to Calais. On our return on a wet and windy Sunday afternoon, following a fun, food and wine-filled weekend, we arrived at Calais, drove aboard and headed straight to the bar. Our ferry set sail and just as we passed the end of the protective headland, all hell broke loose. The ferry rocked from side to side and glasses and bottles of alcohol were falling from the shelves and smashing on the deck. Tony was walking around, being sick-bag monitor, attending his violently ill friends as we lay prostrate and cheerily telling us “don’t worry, it’s only top swell”! 

Tony was an avid supporter of National Conferences, particularly the Saturday evening Fancy Dress event; the Rowlock Rally – a sponsored rowing event from Oxford to Henley; and the Ascot Grand prix – a pedal car racing event – all cars being hand-built by members. 

He was also a hard-working supporter of The Donkey Derby, held annually on The Rye, High Wycombe by Round Table in support of a local children’s charity. 

The High Wycombe Round Table and 41 Club communities will miss Tony’s enthusiasm and his dry humour. Our sympathies go to Janet, their children, Nicola and Adrian and the grandchildren.