Book Of Remembrances

Robin Mowbray - Banbridge 41 Club

Robert (Robin) Mowbray 1949 – 2020

Robin was born in Glasgow but spent most of his life in Northern Ireland where he received his primary, secondary and higher education.

He was an active member of Banbridge Round Table where he served as Chairman and Secretary followed by Banbridge 41 Club as President and Secretary. He was also a member of Banbridge Rotary Club and served on the board of governors at Banbridge Academy. He spent most of his working life with Bass Ireland retiring after 30 years with the company.

After he retired Robin kept himself busy with many trips and holidays with his family and grandchildren, both home and abroad, as well as volunteering in his local community.

He was a director of the local Citizens Advice Bureau and was heavily involved with Banbridge Enterprise Centre and Action Mental Health.

Robin’s passion was trains and he was a member of the Railway Preservation Society of Ireland for many years including standing in for Santa on many Christmas train trips.

He was an excellent organiser and a devoted family man. Robin passed away in May 2020. He will be greatly missed by all who knew him but especially his family.