Book Of Remembrances

Ron Pusey - Toddington 41 Club

RONALD EDWIN PUSEY Toddington 41 Club 

Our friend Ron passed away on 24 August 2019, after a full life which touched a multitude of people.
It was a measure of his popularity that the large chapel at Milton Keynes Crematorium was filled to
overflowing with family, friends, neighbours and colleagues, who came to celebrate his life, to pay their tributes, and to say their final farewells.

Ron was an enthusiastic member of Toddington and District Round Table 1118, where, as Hon. Treasurer, his unorthodox presentation of the accounts (literally on the back of a fag packet!) was a regular feature of our meetings. As a subsequent member of Toddington 41 Club he held the office of Chairman for 1994-1995, and was renowned for his witty (and often show stopping) interjections; his highly
individual, thought provoking comments; and his ability to wield the most just as a sharp but inoffensive pin with which to spike the balloon of pomposity.

Ron loved being with people, and to see them enjoying themselves, and his large physical presence was matched by an equally large personality - one which meant that he always had time to give them time, and allowed him to slip easily into “being in charge” in a way which others always appreciated. Who can forget a man who (effortlessly, it seemed) led the communal carol singing at successive Club
Christmas Dinners with a gusto which often encouraged other members of the public to join in our annual ritual of “The 12 Days of Christmas” in a way never known to them before!

We’ll remember Ron and his contribution to our lives with great affection. He was a big man in many ways - comprehensively generous, caring, self-effacing, supportive, and appreciative of the efforts of others.

A gentleman.